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installation_old [2020/02/05 18:27] (current) – created - external edit
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 +== Installation instructions for Debian ==
 +1. Install Debian Jessie (
 +with user student, English language, German timezone, German keyboard
 +2. Make student sudoer:
 +adduser student sudo
 +3. Enable non-free repos (contrib non-free) in /etc/apt/sources.list
 +sed -i 's/main/main contrib non-free/' /etc/apt/sources.list
 +4. Add packages
 +apt-get install sudo git-all gitg vim emacs \
 +  inkscape \
 +  ipython{,3} mayavi2 python-pygraphviz \
 +  ipython{3,}-{notebook,qtconsole} \
 +  python{,3}-{numpy,scipy,matplotlib,colorama,nose,pytest,numexpr,tk,zmq,lxml,networkx} \
 +  python-qt4 python3-pyqt4 \
 +  python{,3}-doit \
 +  runsnakerun vnc4server \
 +  firmware-ipw2x00 wireless-tools firmware-b43-installer firmware-b43legacy-installer \
 +  firmware-{iwlwifi,linux,linux-nonfree,atheros,realtek,samsung,ralink} \
 +  cython{,3} gccxml \
 +  python{3,}-mpi4py mpich mpich2python openmpipython \
 +  pep8 pyflakes python{3,}-{flake8,mccabe,coverage} \
 +  strace valgrind python-memprof \
 +  screen tmux
 +5. Enable automatic login by uncommenting lines in /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf:
 +TimedLoginEnable = true
 +TimedLogin = student
 +TimedLoginDelay = 10
 +6. vim config from
 +cd $HOME
 +git clone .vim
 +git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
 +ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc
 +vim +PluginInstall +qall
 +7. python history
 +8. clean up
 +sudo apt-get remove acpid exim4 sane-utils
 +== Ubuntu version ==
 +0. Install Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) from
 +1. Install packages
 +sudo apt-get install git-all gitg vim emacs \
 +  inkscape \
 +  runsnakerun \
 +  strace valgrind \
 +  screen tmux \
 +  build-essential \
 +  kcachegrind kcachegrind-converters \
 +  unzip \
 +  firefox
 +wget -O /tmp/anaconda
 +bash /tmp/anaconda
 +rm /tmp/anaconda
 +conda install mpich2 mpi4py flake8 pep8 pyflakes pylint mccabe coverage \
 +    numba numexpr nose pandas pytables pytest seaborn zeromq \
 +    cython bcolz line_profiler \
 +    seaborn pickleshare pillow simplegeneric tornado \
 +    traitlets basemap
 +pip install xonsh
 +pip install doit
 +pip install pyprof2calltree
 +pip install plotly
 +# tweak .bashrc
 +cat >>~/.bashrc <<"EOF"
 +PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\] \[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\[\033[01;35m\]$(__git_ps1 " (% s)")\[\033[00m\]$ '
 +# materials
 +unzip download && rm download
 +mv Data lab-bench-data
 +# create firefox profile
 +echo 'user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "");' >> .mozilla/firefox/*.default/prefs.js
 +# cleanup
 +rm -rf .lesshst .python_history .bash_history .cache/pip/* .cache/mozilla/firefox/*.default/cache*
 +== Ubuntu + tarball ==
 +0. Install Ubuntu Trusty
 +1. Install packages
 +sudo apt-get install git-all gitg vim emacs \
 +  inkscape \
 +  runsnakerun \
 +  strace valgrind \
 +  screen tmux \
 +  build-essential \
 +  kcachegrind kcachegrind-converters \
 +  unzip \
 +  firefox
 +3. Install user home dir
 +# (as student user)
 +curl|tar -Jxv